

Stroke Tacoma, WA …Oops… I had a stroke. Actually, I had a massive stroke, a heart attack and pneumonia. This post will describe what happened, detail when and where it took place, and document how I am dealing with this life changing event.

A blood clot in my spinal cord caused the oxygen going to my upper spinal cord and the base of my brain to be blocked, and some of those cells died. I was out. They call it a cryptogenic stroke, meaning they don’t know why it happened. Bottom line: my cognitive skills, balance and vision are diminished. At some point, my heart stopped, or something like that. I’ve been told that my lungs also filled with fluid and I had a surgery to remove part of my left lung. Medical personnel were concerned I might occlude so a feeding tube was emplaced, and I was not allowed to eat orally for months. Once I regained consciousness, I was tied down to my bed. This is primarily because I kept pulling out the tracheotomies medical personnel emplaced. (Here’s a hint: If I’m pulling shit out of my body, it means I don’t want it!

StrokeI was at work when it happened. I was Security Lead at the Cuff Complex on Fri 01 Jun 2018 when I informed my boss that I wasn’t feeling quite right. He informed the Assistant Manager, Jose. I convulsed or something, and the EMT’s were called. I remember giving my consent and them starting an IV. I don’t remember much after that for a long time other than not being allowed to eat or drink and being tied to my bed. My thanks go out to everyone who contributed to my recovery. Needing help is part of the human condition. And I needed help. My vison is still fucked up, and I am recovering in other areas.

HOW… I am currently recovering at my mother’s place in Monroe, Washington. I was a personal trainer in private practice before the stroke, so I have pretty good knowledge of how I should proceed. I’m still physically challenged. Shit just don’t work right! I’m currently eating and have shelter thanks to some food stamps and a member of my leather family. I even got laid once. (Thanks Piggy). I am also keeping up on current events and retraining my mind and body.

[Side Note: There is some great educational material under the Crash Course channel on YouTube.]

Recovery and figuring out what I’m going to do next is in order. I feel like I’m starting over. I remember things, and I don’t remember things. Physically, my balance is off and my coordination sucks. I’m also over my normal weight range. I need to get my body composition under control; I've developed a plan to address that issue. But, it will take some time. Energy in; energy out. Easy, right? At this point, I’m thankful I can walk, relieve myself, shower on my own and eat without assistance. Things aren’t that bad, but I am still working to make them better. My vision is still an open issue, and typing this is difficult. I have options to consider. I’ve been able to fix my phone, but everything takes so much effort. I'm doing a little on the stationary bike six times a week and lifting three. Now that we are not “sheltered-in-place” I may become more social I also have a balance board I've been using. Once the vision issue is resolved, I can better determine what to do next with my life. That’s a tough question.

I think I’ll get started with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. First off, the Physiological Needs: Air (check), Water (check). Food (check), Shelter (thanks brother), Clothing (got some) and Reproduction (I think we’ll just call it sex).

Anyway, I’ve told you what’s happened, when and where it happened and how I’m dealing with what happened. If I can leave you with anything, it would be this: Just keep going.